The MIND Diet Coaching Program + Personalized Nutrition Guidance
Lose Weight, Boost Brain, Heart and Immune Health
With colder months, holidays and more of the COVID-19 lifestyle ahead us of us, Marni and I want to help you create some positive momentum for your health in the months ahead.
So we've created a super-affordable way for you to get personalized support to meet any of the following goals you may have:
Lose weight
Improve brain function and reduce risk of dementia
Boost your immune system
Reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other diseases
Simply feel more alive and energized
Here's how we're going to do it. We're going to combine a made-for-you Personalized Nutrition Guide with an 8-week program called MIND Diet Nutrition Coaching.
Right now the program is open to the first 20 people to join.
Here's how it works..
STEP #1) We'll create a Personalized Nutrition Guide based on your primary goal: Lose Weight, Build Muscle, OR Improve Overall Health
Your guide will help you in THREE key ways. Based on a number of individual factors, you'll a content rich, no-fluff report designed for you to learn:
How much protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats you should consume each day to meet your primary goal
Which foods are best for your goals
How to easily assess your portions so you can consume just the right amounts of your target foods
STEP #2) Marni will coach you for eight weeks on how to implement The MIND Diet
The MIND Diet is a way of eating that is designed to prevent dementia and decline in brain health that often occurs as people get older. It's also proven to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and several other diseases.
The way we've structured the program, it's all about taking you through a process to create better eating habits. Our goal isn't just to give you a bunch of information, but rather guide you to implement health habits, so that you create both immediate AND lasting results.
The MIND Diet Coaching program will include:
Four short, highly educational lessons each week on the science of the MIND Diet and how to implement the key habits into your life (See below for a sample lesson)
Daily check-ins to help you stay on track and build momentum and progress towards your goals
WEEKLY LIVE GROUP COACHING (on Zoom) with Marni to continually educate you, answer your questions and help you stay committed for the duration of the program. (You aren't required to attend the weekly group coaching, but of course you can expect your best results when you receive live support. If you miss a session, we'll make a replay available to you.)
How much does it cost?
Our price is probably too low, but since this is the first time we've offered this program, we're going to make it as affordable as we can. In fact, we're going to give you three options to choose from (click on the links below to go purchase):
OPTION #1 (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED): Personalized Nutrition Report + 8-Week MIND Diet Coaching Program = $89 (click to purchase)
OPTION #2: MIND Diet Coaching Program ONLY = $69 (click to purchase)
OPTION #3: Personalized Nutrition Report ONLY = $39 (click to purchase)
We'll even offer you a money-back guarantee. If you purchase any of the three options above and you aren't satisfied with the quality of what you receive in return, then let us know and we'll refund your money.
Here's an example of a lesson from the MIND Diet Coaching Program. (You'll receive this on on Day 37)
While heavy drinking is associated with factors that promote the onset of dementia later in life (such as hypertension and diabetes), some studies suggest that low to moderate consumption of alcohol – one drink a day – might be beneficial for brain health.
An emerging body of literature contends that moderate wine consumption may serve as a protective factor for cognitive decline and has associated the health properties of wine with polyphenolic content and their antioxidant properties.
The MIND diet recommends drinking no more than one glass of wine daily.
Much research has focused on the red wine compound resveratrol, which may help protect against Alzheimer’s disease. Resveratrol is an antioxidant found in very low levels in red wine and foods such as grapes, berries, chocolate, and peanuts. It is also available as a concentrated supplement. Resveratrol may activate sirtuins, which are proteins involved in aging.
Some other research has indicated that individuals who drank in moderation were less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease or any other form of dementia than those who consumed zero alcohol. Some protective effects of alcohol have been seen on the brain, such as reduced thickness of blood (called plasma viscosity) and increased levels of healthy cholesterol (also known as HDL cholesterol) in the body. Both of these effects have been suggested to help lower the risk of developing dementia.]
However, the evidence produced by studies that link moderate alcohol consumption with a lower likelihood of Alzheimer's disease does have some flaws. For example, many of these studies classified 'non-drinkers' as both people who have given up alcohol consumption due to health reasons (such as previous alcoholics) and lifetime non-drinkers.
These two subsets of people are actually quite different and the mixing of these distinct populations into one study group may have skewed the results and lead to conclusions that could overstate the potential risk of not drinking alcohol to developing Alzheimer's and dementia.
It is important that future research differentiates between lifetime non-drinkers and individuals who have given up drinking for health reasons to clarify these findings. One such study has shown no evidence for a protective effect of moderate alcohol consumption on the development of dementia, although we will need to see the results of further studies that make this distinction before we can fully understand this relationship.
As such, people who do not currently drink alcohol should not be encouraged to start as a way to reduce dementia risk.
Read this Cognitive Valley blog post to find out more about the potential benefits of flavonols.
Learn more about the potential benefits of moderate alcohol.
Find out more about the study that looked at the relationship of wine consumption with Alzheimer’s disease.